巴倫曼蛙 (Baron's Mantella, Mantella baroni)
Recently there's some other fan pages were sharing this gorgeous frog: the Baron's Mantella (Mantella baroni). Like the Golden Mantella (Mantella aurantiaca), the Baron's Mantella are also belong to genus Mantella. They are both beautiful and poisonous. It's parallel evolution between genus Mantella (endemic to Madagascar) and Dendrobates (occured in South America)... Although they're not close relatives in the phylogenetic tree of frogs, but they got the similar strategies (diurnal, poisonous and high degree of identification) for survivorship might be due to the similar environment. The Baron's Mantella are inhabited in the rainforest of south eastern Madagascar (ex: Ranomafana NP), and unexpected, the population number were not low, quite easy to find if you get to the right habitat (and they're not shy). As well as we can also find another Mantella which is pretty similar to Mantella baroni, the Madagascan Mantella (Mantella madagascariensis) also in Ranomafana NP. I'll talk about maybe next time :)
最近看到其它粉絲團在分享這隻美麗的青蛙,我就搭了順風車也來分享囉~~~ 巴倫曼蛙 (Baron's Mantella, Mantella baroni) 和之前分享過的金色曼蛙 (Golden Mantella, Mantella aurantiaca) 一樣都是曼蛙屬 (genus Mantella) 的物種,都非常的漂亮,也都帶有毒性。一般都會說馬達加斯加特有的曼蛙屬和產於南美洲的箭毒蛙屬 (genus Dendrobates) 是兩個平行演化 (parallel evolution) 的類群... 雖然在演化樹上的距離不算接近,但可能由於相類似的環境,導致這兩類的青蛙演化出了相似的策略 (日行性、高毒性、高辨識度) 來應對,簡單來說就是"殊途同歸"。美麗的巴倫曼蛙棲息在馬達加斯加東南邊的雨林區,著名的Ranomafana NP就找的到,而且令人意外的是只要找到棲息地,這種漂亮的青蛙數量其實不少,而且不算害羞,挺好找的~~~ 算是個相對親民的美麗青蛙囉!同時Ranomafana NP也找的到另一種非常相似的馬島曼蛙 (Madagascan Mantella, Mantella madagascariensis),長的幾乎一樣,以後再分享囉!
最近看到其它粉絲團在分享這隻美麗的青蛙,我就搭了順風車也來分享囉~~~ 巴倫曼蛙 (Baron's Mantella, Mantella baroni) 和之前分享過的金色曼蛙 (Golden Mantella, Mantella aurantiaca) 一樣都是曼蛙屬 (genus Mantella) 的物種,都非常的漂亮,也都帶有毒性。一般都會說馬達加斯加特有的曼蛙屬和產於南美洲的箭毒蛙屬 (genus Dendrobates) 是兩個平行演化 (parallel evolution) 的類群... 雖然在演化樹上的距離不算接近,但可能由於相類似的環境,導致這兩類的青蛙演化出了相似的策略 (日行性、高毒性、高辨識度) 來應對,簡單來說就是"殊途同歸"。美麗的巴倫曼蛙棲息在馬達加斯加東南邊的雨林區,著名的Ranomafana NP就找的到,而且令人意外的是只要找到棲息地,這種漂亮的青蛙數量其實不少,而且不算害羞,挺好找的~~~ 算是個相對親民的美麗青蛙囉!同時Ranomafana NP也找的到另一種非常相似的馬島曼蛙 (Madagascan Mantella, Mantella madagascariensis),長的幾乎一樣,以後再分享囉!