刺鼠 (Coxing's White-Bellied Rat, Niviventer coninga)
Congratulations to Taiwan for beating Netherlands and got the second win of WBC! In Taiwan, if we talked about to beat Netherlands, we were always took out Koxinga who did beat Dutch colonists more than 300 years ago. In 1662, Koxinga drove Dutchmen away from Taiwan; more than 200 years after, Robert Swinhoe who was the naturalist made so much contributions about reporting Taiwanese animal species. He named a endemic rodent by the name of Koxinga, it's Coxing's White-Bellied Rat (Niviventer coninga). Coxing's White-Bellied Rat inhibit in the middle and low elevation forest of Taiwan, they connect upper and lower layers of the food web, a very important position in nature. Their hair mosaicked some hard hairs, it's a special touch among Taiwanese mammals!
恭喜中華隊擊敗荷蘭獲得WBC第二勝!說到擊敗荷蘭,就不得不搬出曾經在台灣擊敗過荷蘭的國姓爺:鄭成功了!鄭成功在西元1662年在台灣擊敗荷蘭,兩百多年後的1871年,對於台灣生物多樣性報導有諸多貢獻的郇和 (斯文豪,Robert Swinhoe) 以"國姓爺"來為一種台灣特有的嚙齒類命名,即為刺鼠 (Niviventer coninga)。刺鼠是台灣中低海拔森林常見的物種,也是這些地區蛇類的主要食物,為食物網中相當重要的"中間份子"。體表的絨毛之中帶有少許硬毛,在台灣也是一個少見的特徵。
恭喜中華隊擊敗荷蘭獲得WBC第二勝!說到擊敗荷蘭,就不得不搬出曾經在台灣擊敗過荷蘭的國姓爺:鄭成功了!鄭成功在西元1662年在台灣擊敗荷蘭,兩百多年後的1871年,對於台灣生物多樣性報導有諸多貢獻的郇和 (斯文豪,Robert Swinhoe) 以"國姓爺"來為一種台灣特有的嚙齒類命名,即為刺鼠 (Niviventer coninga)。刺鼠是台灣中低海拔森林常見的物種,也是這些地區蛇類的主要食物,為食物網中相當重要的"中間份子"。體表的絨毛之中帶有少許硬毛,在台灣也是一個少見的特徵。