南秧雞 (South Island Takahē, Porphyrio hochstetteri)
The Takahē (the South Island Takahē, Porphyrio hochstetteri) is a flightless bird endemic to New Zealand. They were once considered to be extinction in 1898, but rediscovered in 1948. After a general survey for the population in 2008, the scientists estimated it about 224 in the total population number... it's still precarious! I think they looked like the Chocobos of "Final Fantasy", the bird species which is cute and precious in evolution!
Takahē (the South Island Takahē, Porphyrio hochstetteri) 中文稱作南秧雞 (聽起來有點沒FU),是一種紐西蘭特有的不會飛鳥類。牠們曾經一度在1898年被認為滅絕,在1948年才又重新發現,在2008年普查後的族群數大約只有224隻... 還是岌岌可危啊!我覺得牠們長的根本就很像"太空戰士"系列遊戲中的陸行鳥啊,真的是一種不但可愛而且在演化上富有珍貴意義的鳥類!