Congratulations to Taiwan for the first win of WBC! The beaming Taiwan Mountain Pitviper (Ovophis makazayazaya) is the only reddish species among Taiwanese vipers, it's gorgeous! Once, around the years of 1930 to 1950, it was lack of any sampling record in Taiwan for about 50 years! But recently due to the efforts from more and more researchers and hobbyists, the legendary viper has became familiar. According to the paper published by Anita Malhotra et al. in 2011, Ovophis monticola makazayazaya should be a full species as Ovophis makazayazaya endemic to Taiwan. We hope we can still meet the endemic "Strawberry-Headed Pit Viper" in the mountains occasionally!
恭喜中華隊獲得經典賽第一場勝利!喜氣洋洋的瑪家山龜殼花 (the Taiwan Mountain Pitviper, Ovophis makazayazaya) 是台灣蝮蛇科物種之中唯一偏紅色的,非常美麗!在1930年至1980年間,在台灣曾有約50年沒有任何採集記錄的傳奇蛇類,隨著近年來研究者以及愛好者的增加,神秘面紗已經逐漸的被揭開。根據Anita Malhotra等人在2011年的研究報告指出,台灣的瑪家山龜殼花應是一個特有種,使這個原稱阿里山龜殼花 (因為當初被鑑定的標本來自阿里山) 的奇妙物種正名為瑪家山龜殼花 (被命名為新種的標本產自屏東瑪家)。台灣特有種的可愛小草莓,希望以後也可以持續的在山上和牠們來一段邂逅!
目前分類:瑪家山龜殼花 (Taiwan Mountain Pitviper, Ovophis makazayazaya) (1)
- Apr 13 Sat 2013 23:36
瑪家山龜殼花 (Taiwan Mountain Pitviper, Ovophis makazayazaya)