The vivid chameleon called the Panther Chameleon (Furcifer pardalis), they are the chameleons that have the most variety color! The Panther Chameleon distributed over the north-half of Madagascar, a species kind of widespread. Although it's not a strict phenomenon, but there's color-difference between different areas in male Panther Chameleon. For example, Ambanja and Nosy Be are both famous for the blue-form Panther Chameleon. Some good observers can generally recognize where did it come from when he see a male chameleon or even only a picture (only for male ones... Females are all the same orange color everywhere). Let's call the left Panther Chameleon as Jimmy. One day, I sit in the yard of my hotel in Maroantsetra, and I saw a female Panther Chameleon on the branch of a litchi tree. After I took some pictures, a question I was considering... It's breeding season, there should be at least one male around here! So I searched the trees around the hotel, finally I found one male about 20 meters away from the female, it's Jimmy. What a beautiful chameleon, what a wonderful windfall! The panther chameleons are so beautiful but not rare, it's worth to see them!
這隻超鮮豔的變色龍叫作七彩變色龍 (the Panther Chameleon, Furcifer pardalis),大概是色彩最多樣的變色龍了!七彩變色龍分布在大約北半部的馬達加斯加,算是分布相當廣泛的一個種。雖然不是絕對,在各地區的公七彩變色龍都有不同的特色,像是西北部的Ambanja或者附近的觀光離島Nosy Be就以出產藍色的七彩變色龍為特色 (但不是每隻都那樣,我在Nosy Be就只看到綠色的)。所以除了母七彩 (每個地方的母七彩都長得幾乎相同,都是橘色的) 之外,有下過功夫的觀察者可以"大致上"為各種顏色的公七彩變色龍歸類產地。這隻是我拍過的七彩變色龍中最漂亮的一隻了,取名叫Jimmy好了。在我找到Jimmy之前,我坐在Maroantsetra的旅館前 (就是那個有安東吉利紅蛙Dyscophus antongilii的旅館),因為沒事所以看著那些荔枝樹發呆。忽然我在樹上發現了一隻母的七彩變色龍,當然也拍了幾張。這時我心想,最近是變色龍的繁殖季,公龍沒道理放這隻母龍孤家寡龍啊?附近一定有公的七彩變色龍!所以我就背著相機找遍了旅館內外、附近的樹,終於在大約20公尺外的一棵樹上發現Jimmy了!真的好漂亮!好美的意外收穫!七彩變色龍是一種非常漂亮但是卻很親民、數量普遍的變色龍,非常值得一看!
- Jan 31 Thu 2013 21:49
七彩變色龍 (Panther Chameleon, Furcifer pardalis)