The Ishikawa's frog (イシカワガエル, Odorrana ishikawae) is a big frog endemic to northern Okinawa Island, it's about 9-11 cm of the body length. The endemic species is also very beautiful, it's famous as "the most beautiful frog in Japan". In 2011, a study report (Kuramoto et al., 2011) revealed that the population of Ishikawa's frog in Amami Island as a distinct new species: Odorrana splendida. After that, we can only find the Ishikawa's frogs in the northern Okinawa Island. We were pretty lucky this time, we found one finally after we trekked in the forest for three hours!
石川蛙 (イシカワガエル, Ishikawa's frog, Odorrana ishikawae) 是一種只棲息在沖繩島北部的大型蛙類,體長大約9-11公分。這種沖繩北部特有的青蛙外觀非常的美麗,素有"日本國境內最美的青蛙"稱號。2011年以後在奄美大島的石川蛙被Kuramoto等人發表為新種:奄美石川蛙 (アマミイシカワガエル, Odorrana splendida) 之後,舊稱的石川蛙就只能在沖繩島北部發現了。這次運氣不錯,在森林裡漫步了三個小時,終於找到一隻了!
- Apr 14 Sun 2013 00:16
石川蛙 (Ishikawa's frog, Odorrana ishikawae)