Among the entire distribution range of the Rein Snake (Rhadinophis frenatus), Taiwan is the only record in island. Since 1993, the first individual has been discovered in Li-Long Mountain by Mr. Wen-Horn Lin, fewer than 20 living specimens have been found and most of them were adults; it's an extremely rare species among Taiwanese snakes. In adult, the dorsal coloration is green; but it's grey in young individuals. The one in this picture is bluish green, maybe we can classify it as a "subadult". I think, this stage of the coloration is the most beautiful one in R. frenatus!
在灰腹綠錦蛇 (Rhadinophis frenatus) 的天然棲地中,台灣是唯一分布在島嶼的紀錄。從1993年林文宏先生在里龍山發現第一條之後,近20年間被明確記錄的活體數量應低於20條,其中大部分都是成體,是台灣目擊紀錄最少的蛇之一。幼體為灰色,成體為綠色,此圖中的個體略呈藍色,就姑且稱之為亞成體吧!這真是灰腹綠錦蛇最漂亮的一個階段了!
- Apr 14 Sun 2013 00:33
灰腹綠錦蛇 (Rein Snake, Rhadinophis frenatus)