The Cook Strait Giant Weta (Deinacrida rugosa) is a gentle and cute insect! "Weta" is a term for a group of insects endemic to New Zealand specifically, which looks kinda like Katydid. The first individual I saw was a dried dead body, which used for exposition to tourists. There's some big thorns on the legs... I was guessing if some one get kicked by it, who might be injured seriously. After I found them during field observation at night, I realized that I was wromg. They didn't kick, didn't run nor jump, accompanied the heavy weight, it's a really cute and big insect!
庫克海峽巨沙螽 (Cook Strait Giant Weta, Deinacrida rugosa) 是一種非常溫和可愛的昆蟲!Weta是一群紐西蘭特有昆蟲的總稱,長的和螽斯、灶馬都有點像。第一隻我見到的個體是一個乾燥後的屍體,用作和遊客解說教育用。當時我看牠腿上的刺,猜想如果牠會踢的話後果真是不堪設想。但是在夜間觀察時看見活體之後,才發現牠根本不踢、不跑也不跳,加上厚實沉甸的手感,真是一隻非常可愛的大蟲子!