
光面狐猴 (the Indri, Indri indri)
In Malagasy, "indri" means "look up". A French naturalist Pierre Sonnerat was misunderstood the aboriginal who pointed out the lemur and said "indri". Pierre Sonnerat thought it should be the name and used it to describe the lemur. The Indri (Indri indri) is the biggest living lemur on the world. But compare with their extinct relative: a giant lemur big like a gorilla, with a weight about 200 kg, the Indris are pretty small.... they are even smaller than a dog! But now the population number of Indri is also sadly poor. Last year, the scientists estimated the number about 246 individuals, it's smaller than the number of the Angonoka Tortoise (Astrochelys yniphora) and the Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)! If we want to protect Indris, the most important thing is to protect the forest they inhabited in. Andasibe NP is the last place with forest Indris can live in... Go Indris!
在馬拉加西話,indri的意思是"看上面"。當年一位法國自然學者Pierre Sonnerat誤解了一位為他找出那隻狐猴位置的Malagasy,以為"indri"就是牠的名字,就用了Indri來描述光面狐猴了。光面狐猴 (the Indri, Indri indri) 是現存體型最大的狐猴,不過比起被人類趕盡殺絕的親戚:一種體型近似大猩猩,重達兩百公斤的大型狐猴 (Archaeoindris fontoynontii) 相比,還是小太多了... 光面狐猴體型比狗還小!但是現在光面狐猴的族群也是岌岌可危了,去年科學家統計,光面狐猴的族群數僅有246隻,比安哥洛卡陸龜 (Astrochelys yniphora) 以及大熊貓 (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) 都還少!想要保育光面狐猴,最重要的就是從保護牠們棲息的森林開始... Andasibe NP就成了保護光面狐猴的最後一道防線了,加油!

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