
彩虹犁足蛙 (Malagasy Rainbow Frog, Scaphiophryne gottlebei)
The Malagasy Rainbow Frog (Scaphiophryne gottlebei) is one of the most famous and rare amphibian among Malagasy frog species. In 2008, the Zoological Society of London was named the Malagasy Rainbow Frog as "being among the rarest and most remarkable amphibians" on the planet. The beauty of Malagasy Rainbow Frog is being proved. But the population's main threat has coming behind the beauty; thousands are captured every year for the pet trade, it makes them caught in a vicious cycle. The Malagasy Rainbow Frog inhibit in the rocky canyons of the Isalo Massif, south western Madagascar. They occured and bred only in the temporary pools of the canyons and only in raining season. It's difficult to find during dry season, so we can only found 6 juveniles in about 90 minutes. They were pretty tiny, only about 10 mm for SVL (the adult are about 30-40 mm) each, but still, it's AWESOME! It's enough for me! Hope we can always find them again and again every time we visit there!
彩虹犁足蛙 (the Malagasy Rainbow Frog, Scaphiophryne gottlebei) 是馬達加斯加最知名的兩棲類之一,同時也是最稀少的兩棲類之一。倫敦動物學會在2008年將彩虹犁足蛙列名"這個星球上最稀有也最令人讚嘆的兩棲類",牠的美是禁得起考驗的!但也因為牠們真的太美了,每年可能有幾千隻彩虹犁足蛙被走私出境... 也是讓牠們的處境陷入惡性循環的主因。彩虹犁足蛙只棲息在馬達加斯加西南部的Isalo地區,在岩石山塊夾縫間的小水窪進行繁殖,主要也只在雨季出現,旱季基本上很難找到。因此我們這次只能找到在水邊搞不清楚狀況的幼蛙,體長只有約一公分 (成蛙大約三到四公分),花了大約一個半小時找到了六隻,已經非常的滿足了!希望以後每次來都可以再度和牠們碰個面喔!

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