The Burmese Python (Python molurus bivittatus) are actually inhibit in the Kinmen island! Although the Kinmen island is a small offshore island outside continental China by a distance about 10 kilometers, but still, we believe the pythons can go cross the salt water by swimming. In the Snake Year, we wish the residents on Kinmen island can be gradually accepted to live with the big but gentle, original amazing reptile!
金門的緬甸蟒 (the Burmese Python, Python molurus bivittatus) 真的是原生種!雖然金門是個和大陸相距約10公里的小島,但我們相信緬甸蟒是有那個能耐游過這道鹹水,並且在金門島上靠自己生存下來。在蛇年,希望金門的鄉親們可以逐漸接受和這種巨大但是溫和的原生神奇爬蟲類共處囉!